Types of kitchen knife, Japanese knife
For chefs, kitchen knives are the most closest and the most useful tool. Some people said “Knife is an extension of the chef’s arm.
Today, let’s have a look at knife types. What types of knives, and how each type is used. As well as types of Japanese knives that some chefs feel unfamiliar.
Types of steel for kitchen knives
When you buy a kitchen knife, it is recommended to inform yourself about steel types and choose a steel type that corresponds to your expectations of a knife.
In most of culinary schools in Australia or even in other countries, they teach about knife types but unfortunately, about steel types.
How to choose a kitchen knife? How can I choose knives?
When you buy a knife, what is your most important point to consider? shape? price? or type of steel? most of people will take price and appearance of knife. However, if you are a chef, you better consider at purpose and performance first than just shape of knife.